I know – as soon as you mention “benefits” to a small business owner, most of their eyes glaze over – but believe me, this is different. I’m going to show you how easy it is to offer great benefits, like health insurance and 401K, and tell you how you can SAVE MONEY in the process.
Offering health insurance to your employees can save you money
What we do
Planning for the unexpected

Tempra Mosley
Life Planner
“The process of planning for the unexpected begins with a conversation. I want to get to know you – your dreams, your goals, your passions. I want to know what makes you who you are. My goal is to listen, then help you design a plan that aligns with all these things as well as your budget.”
Tempra Mosley is the CEO of Tempra Insurance, a life planner and financial consultant. Reach her at 800-385-0544 or at insurancetempra@gmail.com.